Enjoy the Kingscliff beach village atmosphere

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All stall holders that wish to trade with us are required to fill in the online submission form to participate.

Please note our conditions of trade and requirement of insurance and professionalism.

Stall prices are dependent upon what you sell and are displayed in the form.


Our markets are operated by ARIA Events and Marketing (AEM) and is a registered business - we are not a Not-For-Profit entity. 

The markets are operated as a professional event with paid advertising, professional entertainment (free of charge to public) and employing staff to manage bookings and process applications as well as on-site management on the day of the event.  We do not use volunteers.

We are insured for public liability as a professional business and require all traders to also be insured for public liability.  This is a requirement and is not negotiable.  The reason for this is all businesses are held accountable to some degree (percentage) in account of an incident or accident and for these reason ALL persons are to have their own cover.  All traders must conduct themselves in a professional manner and it is not acceptable to abuse, bully or defame others (that includes other traders).  Any issues with an attendee or another trader should be directed immediately to the Market Manager on-site or by contacting AEM owner on 0406 724 323.

All incidents must be communicated to the Market Manager on-site and an incident form to be filled in.  The Manager can be located at the main stage area and if not easily located at the time, by phoning 0406 724 323.

Please note that all traders are required to pre-book via the appropriate online submission form (links above) and electronic transfer of funds.  Stall Payments are required prior to the event and are not refundable.   Terms and Conditions are listed on the website for your reference.  If stall traders opt to not trade due to illness, transport issues or choice (other), your stall fee will be forfeited unless the site is resold. 

If there is a serious illness that leaves you incapacitated and unable to trade, you are required to provide a Doctor's certificate from your GP or hospital in which you are admitted.  In this instance we are again able to transfer your stall fee to an alternative date.  If there is a death in the family, we are again able to transfer your funds to an alternative date.

The markets are an all weather event.  If it looks like raining, is too cold, is too hot, windy and/or does rain, the market will proceed.  In the event of an EXTREME weather warning given by relevant authorities for Kingscliff on the day of the event, the market will be cancelled by the market manager.  Rain is not considered an extreme weather warning.  You may choose not to trade in the rain, but the conditions as noted above will apply. If the market is cancelled by the Market Manager your site fee will be rolled over to the next month or an alternative date. 

We appreciate your acceptance of these trading terms.